Week 1ntroduction & Overview.- Industry and the Project.
- The Project management process
Week 2Construction Contracts and Delivery Methods.- Estimating fundamentals
- unbalanced bidding
Week 3Conceptual estimating- Square foot estimates
- Assembly estimates
- Construction cost estimates
Week 4Detailed estimating- Quantity takeoffs
- Unit pricing
- Estimate setup
Week 5Construction estimates & bids- Visit construction job site
Week 6Simulated bid exerciseWeek 7Scheduling fundamentals- When to schedule
- Scheduling methods
Week 8Constructing networks- Benefits of network schedules
- Network diagram
- Network presentation
Week 9Activity duration & network calculations- Scheduling calculations
- Critical path
- Cost loaded CPM schedules
Week 10Guest speakerWeek 11Fundamentals of project control- Basic control theory
- Optimum project duration
- Crashing the schedule
Week 12Cost, schedule, & resource control- Why manage resources
- Labor & equipment studies
- Cash flow analysis
Week 13Updating the project: Control in practice- Team viewpoints
- Control baselines
- Progress evaluation & control
Week 14Job cost status reportsWeek 15Test review summary
*All course content, including schedule, topics, and books are subject to change semester-to-semester. Course costs are dependent on students' individual situations, including but not limited to, online vs on-campus enrollment, in-state vs out-of-state enrollment, and scholarships.
Not all books on this page may be required readings and additional readings may be assigned. Please check the UMD Schedule of Classes for most up to date semester offerings. Instructors give students specific semester details once they are enrolled.